Moral Maze, Arijit Sen |
Arijit Sen, CNN-IBN gives his opinion on the debates premise 'Journalism coarsens, simplifies and distorts politics (and the new journalism won't be any better)'. As part of the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Arijit Sen, Jean Seaton, Michael Parks, Paul Taylor, Nick Fraser, John Lloyd |
19 September, 2013 |
Plenary panel debate: The Future of Journalism |
Panel debate at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Mark Thompson, Natalie Nougayrède, Peter Barron, John Stackhouse, Nic Newman |
17 September, 2013 |
Paying the Piper: Rethinking the Economics of Newspaper Journalism |
Reuters Memorial Lecture 2013 - by Mark Thompson, President and Chief Executive of the New York Times Company. |
Mark Thompson, David Levy, John Lloyd |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Natalie Nougayrède (Le Monde) |
Natalie Nougayrède, Executive Editor of Le Monde talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Natalie Nougayrède |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Nic Newman (RISJ Research Associate) |
Nic Newman, Digital Media Strategist and RISJ Research Associate, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Nic Newman |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - John Stackhouse (Editor-in-chief, Globe and Mail, Toronto). |
John Stackhouse, Editor-in-Chief of The Globe and Mail, Toronto, talking at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
John Stackhouse |
17 September, 2013 |
The Future of Journalism - Peter Barron (Google) |
Peter Barron, Peter Barron, Director of Communications and Public Affairs for EMEA, Google, talks at the 30th Anniversary Reunion of the Journalism Fellow Programme. |
Peter Barron |
17 September, 2013 |
What Obama's Elections Have Taught the Media - and the Rest of Us: RISJ/BBC Butler Lecture 2013 |
Larry J. Sabato, American political scientist and political analyst and Robert Kent Gooch Professor of Politics at the University of Virginia, and director of its Center for Politics, gives the 2013 RISJ/BBC Butler lecture. |
Larry J Sabato |
27 August, 2013 |
Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action: Ethical Challenges in Recent Crises (partial recording) |
Professor Antonio Donini (Tufts University) gives a talk on 7th November 2012. This is a Oxford Humanitarian Group Event. |
Antonio Donini |
12 August, 2013 |
The Craft of Humanitarian Work: Reflection, Political Judgment and Strategic Intervention Spring' and Future Humanitarian Challenges |
Professor Greg Johnson, Pacific Lutheran University gives a talk on 1st May 2013. This is a Oxford Humanitarian Group Event. |
Greg Johnson |
12 August, 2013 |
What Works in Protecting Civilians: Lessons from Recent Humanitarian Action |
Urban Reichhold (Fellow, Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi), Berlin) gives a talk on 4th March 2012. This is an Oxford Humanitarian Group Event. |
Urban Reichhold |
12 August, 2013 |
Negotiating Humanitarian Agreements with Everybody: Geneva Call's Experience with Armed Non-State Actors |
Elisabeth Decrey-Warner (President, Geneva Call), gives a talk on 25th Feb 2012. This is an Oxford Humanitarian Group Event. |
Elisabeth Decrey-Warner |
12 August, 2013 |
Negotiating Space: Redefining Civilian-Military Roles During Complex Crises (partial recording) |
Dr Marcia Byrom Hartwell (Visiting Scholar, United States Institute of Peace, (USIP) Washington DC) gives a talk for the Oxford Humanitarian Group seminar series. |
Marcia Byrom Hartwell |
12 August, 2013 |
Preventative War |
Professor Deen Chatterjee gives a talk for the ELAC semianar series on 21st May 2013. With Professor Cheyney Ryan and Dr David Rodin. |
Deen Chatterjee, David Rodin, Cheyney Ryan |
9 August, 2013 |
The Ethics of Humanitarian Accountability |
Alice Obrecht (One World Trust) and Philip Tamminga (DARA) give a talk for Oxford Humanitarian Group/ELAC seminar series. Introduced by Hugo Slim. |
Alice Obrecht, Phillip Tamminga, Hugo Slim |
9 August, 2013 |
Influence Operations and Psyops: Information Warfare in the 21st Century |
Bob Seeley, MOD, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 13th November 2012. |
Bob Seeley |
9 August, 2013 |
Liberalism and State Violence: Reflections on the Liberal Way of War |
Director of Liberal Way of War Program Professor Alan Cromartie gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar series on 9th October 2012. Introduced by Dr Robert Johnson. |
Alan Cromartie, Robert Johnson |
9 August, 2013 |
Making a success of a news start-up |
Hugo Dixon, Editor-at-Large Reuters News, founder of Breaking Views website, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Hugo Dixon |
10 July, 2013 |
Verifying social media information in real time: from the UK riots to the Boston bombings, via Hurricane Sandy |
Farida Vis, University of Sheffield, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on social media and the news on June 12th 2013. |
Farida Vis |
2 July, 2013 |
Writing news for young people |
Miranda Green, Editor, The Day, gives a talk for the Reuters seminar series about writing news for young people. |
Miranda Green |
17 June, 2013 |
Reporting the UK to Germany |
John F Jungclaussen, Die Zeit, UK Correspondent, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on reporting UK news to the German news media. |
John F Jungclaussen |
4 June, 2013 |
'A walk on the Dark Side': the changing face of corporate communications |
Tim Burt, former media editor at the FT and author of 'Dark Art: the changing face of public relations' gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series on Public Relations and the media. |
Tim Burt |
4 June, 2013 |
Constructivism and the Study of Global IR |
Amitav Acharya (UNESCO Chair in Transnational Challenges and Governance, American University) discusses 'Constructivism and the Study of Global IR' in the 'Future of Constructivist Research in International Relations' conference (30 April 2013). |
Amitav Acharya, Vinicius Rodrigues Vieira, Kalypso Nicolaidis |
22 May, 2013 |
Are legal norms distinctive and what do they add to the analysis of political change? |
Martha Finnemore (The George Washington University) discusses 'Are legal norms distinctive and what do they add to the analysis of political change?' in the 'Future of Constructivist Research in International Relations' conference (30 April 2013). |
Martha Finnemore, Travers McLeod, Andrew Hurrell |
22 May, 2013 |
Constructivism and the Turn to Practice |
Iver Neumann (Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, LSE) discusses 'Constructivism and the Turn to Practice' in the 'Future of Constructivist Research in International Relations' conference (30 April 2013). |
Iver Neumann, Quentin Bruneau, Todd Hall |
22 May, 2013 |
The Role of Agency in Constructivism |
Kathryn Sikkink (Blavatnik School of Government) discusses 'The Role of Agency in Constructivism' in the 'Future of Constructivist Research in International Relations' conference (30 April 2013). |
Kathryn Sikkink, Max Thompson, Duncan Snidal |
22 May, 2013 |
The 'Arab Spring' and Future Humanitarian Challenges |
25 April 2013, Special lecture co-hosted by ELAC, the new Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations and the Oxford Humanitarian Group by Yves Daccord (Director-General of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC). |
Yves Daccord |
30 April, 2013 |
The challenges of reporting China to the outside world |
Jane Macartney, the Times and former Reuters Beijing bureau chief gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Jane Macartney |
16 April, 2013 |
The Legacy of Margaret Thatcher |
What is Margaret Thatcher's legacy? Academics Gillian Peele and Tom Lubbock discuss the legacy of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. |
Gillian Peele, Tom Lubbock |
9 April, 2013 |
Where to Now for Just War Theory? |
Professor Jeff McMahan (Rutgers) with Dr Janina Dill and Dr Hugo Slim (ELAC, Oxford) discuss the Just War theory for the Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict seminar series on 8th February 2013. |
Hugo Slim, Jeff McMahan, Janina Dill |
2 April, 2013 |
Critical Voices on the Responsibility to Protect |
Dr Aidan Hehir (Director of the Security and International Relations Programme, University of Westminster) and Dr Ann-Christin Raschdorf (Former Visiting Fellow, ELAC 2011), are chaired by Professor Jennifer Welsh on 9th November 2012. |
Aidan Hehir, Ann-Christin Raschdorf, Jennifer Welsh |
26 March, 2013 |
How Technology can help to Democratise the Media |
Shu Chaudhary gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism, Seminar series. |
Shu Chardhary |
11 March, 2013 |
Torture and Human Dignity |
25 Jan 2013, ELAC/Oxford Martin HRFG Programme Discussion Event with Professors David J. Luban, Jeremy Waldron and Henry Shue, chaired by Dr David Rodin. |
David Lubin, David Rodin, Jeremy Waldron, Henry Shue |
11 March, 2013 |
The End of the Anglo-Saxon Era: Australia's Defence in the Asian Century |
Professor Hugh White (Professor of Strategic Studies, Australian National University) on 30 Oct 2012, this talk is for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series. |
Hugh White |
11 March, 2013 |
International Order and Violent Extremism: Lessons from Sri Lanka |
Professor Sir Adam Roberts (President, British Academy and Emeritus Professor of International Relations, Oxford) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 23 Oct 2012. |
Sir Adam Roberts |
11 March, 2013 |
Reporting the UK to a French audience |
Sonia Delesalle-Stolper, London correspondent for Libération, gives a talk for the Reuters School of Journalism on reporting the UK in the French media. |
Sonia Delesalle-Stolper |
4 February, 2013 |
Open Journalism, Social Media and the England Riots |
Paul Lewis, Special Projects Editor, Guardian, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series on ope journalism, social media and the England Riots. |
Paul Lewis |
4 February, 2013 |
Legacy media and technology transitions - what went wrong? |
Lucy Küng, Professor of Media Management at Jönköping International Business School. |
Lucy Küng |
19 December, 2012 |
Women in Journalism - a new kind of glass ceiling? |
Suzanne Franks, City University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute of Journalism seminar series. |
Suzanne Franks |
19 December, 2012 |
More News is Good News: Democracy and Media in India |
Prannoy Roy, director of New Delhi Television, gives a lecture on the history of NDTV and Indian television and the part democracy and rulership has played it's development. |
Prannoy Roy, John Lloyd, Daya Thussu, Geert Linnebank |
29 November, 2012 |
Godwin and London in the 1820s |
A discussion of religious dissent, the development of a secular education at London University in the 1820s, and Godwin's own lifelong concern with education. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
Godwin and his historical context |
A discussion of the historical period in which William Godwin was writing and the social and political pressures that he was working under at the time. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
Godwin and his friends |
A discussion about the social aspects of the life of the writer William Godwin- how he interacted with his friends and how he was seen by his peers. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
Godwin and Frankenstein |
How far did Godwin have an impact on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) and what does it tell us about how she thought about his principles, and his life. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
Godwin's life and family |
A discussion of Godwin's relationships with unconventional women; and his 'Victorian' attitudes towards his daughter, Mary Shelley and his wife, Mary Wollstonecraft. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
Introduction to William Godwin |
The first part in this series gives a biography of the writer William Godwin, exploring his background and the key points from his life. |
Mark Philp, David O’Shaughnessy, Ellen Sandford O'Neill |
22 November, 2012 |
New challenges of reporting on government |
Christopher Cook, FT education correspondent, gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
Christopher Cook |
21 November, 2012 |
The war for Leveson's ear |
John Mair, senior lecturer Coventry University and author of 'The Phone Hacking Scandal; Journalism on Trial' gives a talk for the RISJ seminar series. |
John Mair |
21 November, 2012 |
Presentation from Ojeaku Nwabuzo (Runnymede Trust) |
Ojeaku Nwabuzo (Runnymede Trust) gives a talk for the Same Difference? - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France conference held on 6th July 2012 at St Anthony's College, Oxford. |
Ojeaku Nwabuzo |
13 November, 2012 |
The theatrics of life on the estate: a playwrite's view |
Oladipo Agboluaje, gives a talk for the Same Difference? - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France conference held on 6th July 2012 at St Anthony's College, Oxford. |
Oladipo Agboluaje |
13 November, 2012 |
Snaps shots from Southwark - What the Research said |
Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou gives a talk for the Same Difference - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France conference. |
Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou |
13 November, 2012 |
Focus on Southwark: Inter group relations at community level (Camberwell and Bermondsey) |
Ole Jensen, (Compas, Oxford University), gives a talk for the Same Difference Conference. |
Ole Jensen |
13 November, 2012 |
Reporting Results: Same Difference? Nigerian Brits - French Senegalese: What they said? What the research said? |
Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou (Oxford University, lead researcher) and Constance Mbassi Manga (Project researcher, Kings College) give a talk for the Same Difference Conference. |
Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou, Mbassi Manga |
13 November, 2012 |
Black Africans - who are they? |
Lavinia Mitton (University of Kent) gives a talk for the Same Difference? - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France conference held on 6th July 2012 at St Anthony's College, Oxford. |
Lavinia Mitton |
13 November, 2012 |
Welcome Address to the Same Difference? - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France Conference |
Katherine Nwajiaku-Dahou gives an introduction to the Same Difference? - Nigerian Brits, French Senegalese: Comparing Integration in the UK and France conference held on 6th July 2012 at St Anthony's College, Oxford. |
Kathryn Nwajiaku-Dahou |
13 November, 2012 |
Conclusions: What have we learned? What should be done next? |
Stephen Whitefield, head of the Department of Politics and International Relations, draws some conclusions from the Volcano symposium: a series of talks discussing the causes of and possible solutions to the current global crisis. |
Stephen Whitefield |
12 November, 2012 |
Elites and Societies: Are our rules capable of solving the crisis? Are our societies finding solutions for themselves? |
Sociologists Donatella Della Porta and Ferenc Miszlivetz both give talks for the Volcano symposium: a series of events discussing the current global crisis. |
Donatella della Porta, Ferenc Miszlivetz |
12 November, 2012 |
Crisis in and of Economics |
Economists John Kay and David Ruccio both give talks for the Volcano symposium: a series of events discussing the current global crisis. |
John Kay, David Ruccio |
12 November, 2012 |
A Crisis of Civilisation? |
Philosopher Vittorio Hösle, Dominican friar Timothy Radcliffe and writer Malise Ruthven each give a talk for the Volcano symposium: a series of events discussing the current global crisis. |
Vittorio Hösle, Timothy Radcliffe, Malise Ruthven |
12 November, 2012 |
The Current Crisis Through the Lens of History |
Art historian Timothy Clarke, political philosopher Antonio Negri and historian David Priestland each give a talk for the Volcano symposium: a series of events discussing the current global crisis. |
Timothy Clarke, Antonio Negri, David Priestland |
12 November, 2012 |
Introduction to the Volcano symposium |
Stephen Whitefield, head of the Department of Politics and International Relations, gives an introduction to the Volcano symposium: a series of talks discussing the causes of and possible solutions to the current global crisis. |
Stephen Whitefield |
12 November, 2012 |
Networked journalism and the age of social discovery [2012] |
Nic Newman, former Future Media Controller, BBC and RISJ Visiting Fellow. |
Nic Newman |
5 November, 2012 |
Ten years that Shook the Media World [2012] |
Launch of a new Reuters Institute report, 'Ten Years that Shook the Media World'. |
Rasmus Kleis Nielsen |
5 November, 2012 |
Colonial toleration and the practise of British state multiculturalism |
Zaki Nahaboo, DPhil student at the Open University, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Zaki Nahaboo |
4 October, 2012 |
Liberalism and Historical Injustice |
Jennifer Page, graduate student at Harvard, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Jennifer Page |
4 October, 2012 |
Wollstonecraft as a Care Ethicist? Contemporary Care Ethics and Wollstonecraft's alternatives in 18th Century debate about Women, Virtue and the progress of Civilisation |
Madeline Cronin, graduate student at University of Notre Dame, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Madeline Cronin |
4 October, 2012 |
Locke, Liberalism, and Disabilities: Towards an 'Ableist Contract' |
Lucas Pinheiro, Cambridge, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Lucas Pinheiro |
4 October, 2012 |
Why should we accommodate caregivers in workplaces? |
Sara Mrsny, DPhil student at Stanford, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Sara Mrsny |
4 October, 2012 |
Public opinion and its liberal/anti-liberal critics: A reinterpretation of popular sovereignty in liberal democracy through Lippmann, Schmitt and Dewey |
David Ragazzoni, DPhil student at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
David Ragazzoni |
4 October, 2012 |
Freedom of Conscience and the Authority of the State |
François Boucher, DPhil student at Queen's University, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
François Boucher |
4 October, 2012 |
Religion in Liberal Thought: the Case of Tocqueville and Humboldt |
Carel Kauffmann, student at Cambridge, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Carel Kauffmann |
4 October, 2012 |
Truth, Evolution and Experiment: A Reconciliation Between Pragmatic Liberalism and Epistemic Democracy |
Felix Gerlsbeck, DPhil student at Columbia, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Felix Gerlsbeck |
4 October, 2012 |
The Ideology of the Coalition: More Muscular than Liberal? |
Matthew Lakin, DPhil student at Oxford, delivers a talk for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Matthew Lakin |
4 October, 2012 |
Unbinding the Executive: The Challenge to Liberal Legalism |
Professor Jeremy Waldron, Chichele Professorship of Social and Political Theory at Oxford, delivers the keynote address for the Inaugural Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory. The conference theme was Political Theory and the Liberal Tradition. |
Jeremy Waldron |
4 October, 2012 |
The racial crisis of America's civil rights state: Transformation of the State, American Style |
Keynote Speech by Professor Desmond King FBA (University of Oxford) for the Third Conference of 'Transformations of the State' (11 May), which forms part of the Anglo-German 'State of the State' Fellowship Programme, with an introduction by Heike Klüver. |
Desmond King, Heike Klüver |
16 July, 2012 |
'Maritime Security in the Indian Ocean' and 'A New Era: The Iranian Navy, Strategy Expansion and Soft Power' |
Cdre Keith Winstanley (CCW RN Hudson Fellow) and Cdr Tracy Vincent (CCW US Navy Hudson Fellow give talks for the ELAC/CCW seminar series on 12 June 2012. Introduced by Dr Jan Lemnitzer. |
Keith Winstanley, Tracy Vincent, Jan Lemnitzer |
2 July, 2012 |
The Media-Industrial Complex: Comparing the influence of Murdoch and Berlusconi? |
Steven Barnett, Westminster and Benedetta Brevini, City University, give a talk for the Reuters Institute Seminar series. |
Steven Barnett, Benedetta Brevini |
25 June, 2012 |
Challenges for Media Democratization in Brazil and Latin America |
Dr Carolina Matos, former LSE fellow, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series on 6th June 2012. |
Carolina Matos |
25 June, 2012 |
The Decade Ahead: The US Role in the World (2012 Fulbright Lecture) |
Ambassador Thomas Pickering delivers the second Annual Oxford Fulbright Lecture on International Relations. This lecture took place on 18 May 2012. |
Thomas Pickering |
20 June, 2012 |
Imagining NATO: Past and Present Futures for the Western Alliance |
Dr Kristian Søby Kristensen (Copenhagen/ CCW Visiting Fellow) gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW Seminar Series on 6 June 2012. |
Kristian Søby Kristensen |
11 June, 2012 |
One War at a Time: Britain, the War of 1812 and the Defeat of Napoleon |
Professor Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History, King's College London, gives a talk for the ELAC/CCW seminar series. |
Andrew Lambert |
6 June, 2012 |
Berlusconismo and Murdochismo |
Bill Emmott, editor of The Economist 1993-2006, columnist for The Times and La Stampa, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series on Silvio Berlesconi and Rupert Murdoch. |
Bill Emmott |
6 June, 2012 |
Doing business by making news or making news by doing business? |
Elena Raviola, Gothenburg University, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Elena Raviola |
6 June, 2012 |
Semantic Polling: The 2010 UK General Election and real-time opinion monitoring |
Nick Anstead, London School of Economics, gives a talk for the Reuters Institute seminar series. |
Nick Anstead |
6 June, 2012 |
Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Facebook Revolution? Social Media as Orientalist Mediation |
Miriyam Aouragh examines the useful and useless roles of the internet in the Arab revolutions by critically revisiting mainstream narratives on its role. |
Miriyam Aouragh |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Fear of Tahrir: Turkish Perspectives on the Egyptian Revolution |
Kerem Öktem presents a critical reading of Turkish public debates and the policies of the ruling party in Turkey on the Egyptian revolution. |
Kerem Öktem |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Contesting Democracy: Discursive Patterns Before and After the Egyptian Uprising |
Andrea Teti critiques European discourses on democracy promotion in Egypt and their alienation of Egyptian pro-democracy opposition groups. |
Andrea Teti |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 6: Beyond Egypt: Revolutionary Egypt's Relations with Surrounding States: Internal Transformation, External Realignment and Regional Security |
Fred Lawson examines the reconfiguration of Egyptian foreign policy since the revolution, particularly with respect to relations with Iran and Ethiopia. |
Fred Lawson |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: Trickster: Taufiq 'Ukasha, the Perpetuation of Liminal Crisis, and the Shaping of Counter-revolutionary Discourse |
Walter Armbrust examines the 'counter-revolution' through the lens of television talk show host Taufiq 'Ukasha, a 'trickster' prone to generating perverted forms of social knowledge. |
Walter Armbrust |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: In Search of Antistructure: The Meaning of Tahrir Square in Egypt's Ongoing Social Drama |
Mark Peterson examines meaning construction and the 'iterations' of Tahrir Square gatherings in the unfolding experience of the ongoing revolution. |
Mark Peterson |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 5: Competing Visions of Tahrir: Contesting Visions and Public Spaces in Cairo |
Aya Nassar examines the imagery and negotiation of place membership unfolding in public spaces such as Tahrir Square. |
Aya Nasar |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: From War of Manoeuvre to War of Position |
Nicola Pratt discusses the competing wars of position being waged against the hegemonic system of authoritarianism in post-Mubarak Egypt, focusing on the realm of gender. |
Nicola Pratt |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: Praetorian Parliamentarism: The Contradictions of Egypt's Post-revolutionary Experiment |
Alexander Kazamias conceptualises the Egyptian revolution as an incomplete process of socio-political transformation, having so far only partially changed the postcolonial Egyptian state. |
Alexander Kazamias |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 4: Old State, New Rules: New Logics of Popular Sovereignty and Subaltern Alternatives to the Egyptian 'Baltagi State' |
Paul Amar discusses subaltern forms of sovereignty and autonomous organisation that have been emerging in Egypt since the January uprising. |
Paul Amar |
25 May, 2012 |
Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation part 3 |
Marwa Sharafeldin of Oxford University and Musawah describes her experience as a women's activist and the position of women in the Egyptian revolution through a series of slides. |
Marwa Sharafeldin |
25 May, 2012 |
Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation part 2 |
Amr Salah, member of the Executive Board of the Revolutionary Youth Coalition, describes his role in the Coalition since 2011 and in the anti-Mubarak movement's organisations before the revolution. |
Amr Salah |
25 May, 2012 |
Special Session: The Revolution Continues: A Conversation |
Heba Raouf Ezzat of Cairo University reflects on the past year and the search for scholarly concepts with explanatory value in new political and social contexts. |
Heba Raouf Ezzat |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 3: The Language of Revolution: University on the Square Documentation Project: A glimpse into the Economic and Business History Research Center's Contribution |
Randa Kaldas of the American University in Cairo discusses the unfolding oral history project on the Egyptian revolution based at the American University in Cairo. |
Randa Kaldas |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 3 | The Language of Revolution: Poetry as Archive: Egypt's Revolution and Archival Poetics |
Tahia Abdel Nasser of the American University in Cairo analyses Egyptian poetry from the 2011 revolution and its role as archive and political site. |
Tahia Abdel Nasser |
25 May, 2012 |
Panel 3: The Language of Revolution: Narrating the Egyptian Revolution through Jokes: Is it Still a Laughing Revolution? |
Hebatallah Salem of the American University in Cairo explains the role of political jokes and satire during the past year in Egypt. |
Hebatallah Salem |
25 May, 2012 |